If you are just starting out your online business, you might be asking yourself what e-Commerce automation even is!

Luckily, we’re here to teach you all the basics and let you in on some of the best tools that you can incorporate into your store.

What is E-Commerce Automation?

Basically, e-Commerce automation is turning some things that you used to do manually into computer based processes. In short, it’s tips and tools that serve to make running your business easier!

Some of the common features of some automation tools are:

  • Tracking customer engagement
  • Storing and categorizing reviews
  • Managing stock and inventory
  • Send emails and reminders 
  • Track orders
  • Schedule posts for your pages

E-Commerce Automation Tools

There are dozens of different e-Commerce automation tools that you can choose from! 

We looked through all of them and found some of the best ones so you don’t have to. 

  1. Buffer
e-commerce automation

This one is most useful when it comes to automating your social media pages! Buffer gives you the ability to schedule posts to sites like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Also, Buffer will give you analytics so that you can see engagement across your pages and see what’s been working best for you!

Your first 10 posts come included in the free trial. After that, you’ll need to purchase a membership, which starts at about $15 per month. 

  1. IFTTT
e-commerce automation

Like Buffer, IFTTT also gives you the opportunity to schedule social media posts across a variety of channels. In fact, it even includes uploading blog posts to your websites and pages!

Remember how we said before that automation tools can help you schedule and send emails? Well IFTTT can do just that! Whether these be campaigns or just shipping reminders, you can put an exact date that you would want these sent out and won’t have to worry about it again.

There’s even a free plan where you wouldn’t have to drop a dime, ever. Overall, IFTTT is just a great tool for growing your audience and your online business!

  1. Google Alerts
e-commerce automation

You might have already heard of this one. Google Alerts is great for observing market trends and researching competitors!

It automatically does searches and analytics based on keywords and phrases that you select. You can then get reports and links back from the tool with any feedback that they recently found for you. You’ll get alerts directly to your phone or computer whenever there’s updates.

All in all, Google Alerts is incredibly useful for seeing where your business stands in the market and just what is happening in your specific niche. Not to mention, it’s free! 

  1. ZenDesk

One thing that ZenDesk is really good for is customer service. It aims to make customer relationship management as easy as possible for all parties involved.

Its top tool is virtual chats that can be put into your pages to answer all sorts of questions. The Artificial Intelligence within the program is able to track different aspects of your business and get back to customers with a quick and effortless answer!

There are questions, of course, which might be too complex or you might want to answer yourself. At least you’ve gotten all those other ones off your hands! You also have the choice of hiring one of ZenDesk’s agents to answer any questions that can’t get through AI for as little as $5 per month.

  1. Oberlo

Oberlo has a lot of aspects that could be useful to you.

First, it tracks inventory and automates imports of goods. It also processes orders and customer details directly to your screen! 

It just makes the entire e-Commerce game so easy for you. This isn’t even counting that there’s a free plan if you have less than 50 orders per month!

  1. Kit

This tool is pretty similar to Buffer and IFTTT in that it’s more social media focused.

It’s great for creating accounts on different social media platforms and being able to schedule and analyze posts on these. 

They also have memberships for as low as $10 per month, so it would be a very good investment in your online business!

Step Up Your Automation Game

Hopefully by now you have an idea of what the best e-Commerce automation method is for you!

Want to upgrade your automation tools to have a seamless workflow? Contact us at [hola@colibricontent.com] for a consultation.


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